Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My New Job

So a few weeks ago, I started a new job at The Durango Equine Veterinary Clinic. I am loving it. On my first day, this is what came in. I got to teach it how to nurse it's Mom. It wasn't very smart when it was born, as the 100+ temps here overheated him.
And today....

This is a mini foal that the Mom rejected. We are teaching her to let the foal nurse. This is the tiniest cutest thing ever! The owners were going to take this baby home today, as they can't afford to keep her at the clinic. Due to the screams and protests and tears of the 4 female employees, our boss, Dr. Kloppe had a change of heart. The baby will now stay here as long as it needs for one tenth of the price, as long as us ladies "volunteer" our time to take care of it. NO PROBLEM!

As you can clearly see, I am hating the new job... Right!


  1. how perfect for you!!! that's is awesome!

  2. Love the pictures!! They are so sweet...glad you are finding so much joy in this job!!
