Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First time in 25 years...

As the title of this blog clearly states, something happened to me for the first time in 25 years.

While riding a horse yesterday, just trotting along, the horse stumbled and fell. He did a full somersault. While I was on his back.

Obviously I am sitting here typing this, so I must be OK. (minus the sore pinkie that I am not using to type with) Before I go any further, as that first paragraph was a little scary, I am OK. Really. I mean to say that I am miraculously OK. Sure, I am scraped up on my shoulder, hip, leg, and hand, and have many sore muscles and a very sore neck, but I am unbelievably OK. I only bled a little, and it was only on the previously mentioned pinkie finger!

Let me point out again, that this is the FIRST time a horse has ever fallen with me. We weren't jumping, we weren't galloping around like mad. We were just trotting. And he fell.

Not sure where I want to go with this, but let me start by talking to all of you horse-riding readers... NEVER EVER RIDE WITHOUT A HELMET. NEVER. This can happen.

I am not a religious person, per say, but as this event occurred, I really have no one to thank for my safety but the big Guy or Girl upstairs.

I scoured the Internet looking for a photo that most resembled what happened, and this is what I found.

As the horse stumbled, I figured he would recover. When the ground got closer, I kicked my feet out of the stirrups and pushed off, tucked my head and neck and rolled away. The bystanders said that he missed falling on me by inches.

So-be you a religious praying type person, or not, please send up a big thanks on my behalf today. I know I will!!!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Thank God you're ok! That is so scary! *Virtual Hug- Gentle*

  2. WOW I am so happy your okay...pinky-swear I will never ride without a helmet!

  3. Very relieved to know you are okay - now you have confirmed why I am a bit timid around horses!!! But, as a religious person, you are always in our prayers and we are grateful to have you in our lives and grateful that God put some mighty angels around you yesterday!! Never too late to say some prayers and check into that whole religious thing, ya know! :) Love ya - glad you're okay!!!

  4. are other way to put it! That is such a scary experience. We witnessed a very similar event during a lesson...the student was just WALKING the horse! Same thing, he couldn't recover and over he went! Thanks for instilling that helmets are so very important!!! Hopefully this will be an inspiration to those who normally don't wear them :) Luv ya kiddo and glad you are going to be ok!

  5. so glad you are OK! that must've been really scary! is the horse ok too?

    no more horsin' around for y'all... (ha ha..ok that one was REALLY bad)
