Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I got a new camera!

Since Chad and I are taking a trip to Europe, I decided a new camera was in order! Craigslist is amazing! Almost new camera=$50. So this is day one of snapping pics with my new camera. It's also kind of a day in the life of Me. Of course, you know all of the pictures are of animals! After I took pics of the dogs this morning, I went to the farm, climbed up on Demure, and we went on a photo expedition! (Cheyenne, you will be proud!)
Demure longingly gazing out at the pasture of mares. So many women, so little time...
One of the new fillies on the farm. She is already sweet on "Big D."

My student, Rachel, just got this horse. His name is Chili!

The greenest farm in Phoenix.
Cool, huh?!
Window to the soul...
The kids in their usual places. Brett staring at me, and Riddy sleeping.
Scary how much this one resembles the next one!


  1. i'm speachless... and oh so proud!! cool pix

  2. Chili is one nice looking horse! Who ever found that horse is good :-).

  3. Great pictures!! I love the sweet little horse!! She is a cutie...So, ya think we'll ever catch eachother on the phone?! :)

  4. Great pictures. I know you're pretty excited about your new camera :)

  5. when are you going to europe? y'all take so many realkly great trips!
